Foundations for your Black Friday Facebook Ad Campaign
Foundations for your Black Friday Facebook Ad Campaign.
It’s November. Black Friday Facebook ads are being planned left, right and centre!
Are you wondering if you need to be doing some ads but don’t know where to start? Wonder no more, here are the important first steps you must consider to set the best foundations for success.
Prepare and plan for a smooth, well run Black Friday Facebook ad campaign that achieves the results you want.
Here are two crucial steps to begin with broken down into bite-size chunks for you:
1. Check that all of your back-office elements are correctly set up.
This includes the all-important pixel on your website. It’s crucial that its functioning properly.
Check the diagnostics in the Facebook Events Manager (within ads manager). It’s key that you're tracking customers and potential customers and that you can optimise your re-targeting.
If you're product-based, check that your catalogue is syncing correctly and that there are no issues.
2. Make sure that your custom audiences are set up.
Create your warm audiences. Often with a Black Friday Facebook ad campaign, you can get far cheaper results (spend less and make more) if you target people who already know who you are and are interested in what you sell.
To do this, you need to set up your custom audiences in Facebook ads manager in the Audiences section.
Track people who have visited your website, engaged with your Facebook page or Instagram page and those on your email list (subscribers only to be GDPR safe!). Create one audience for each.
Consider who else to target and upload. These could be the people who are watching your videos, people who have purchased from you previously, people who've added items to their cart but not completed the transaction and people who have viewed content online. There are lots of people to think about in this early stage. Who do you want to target with your Black Friday offer?
Now, you’ve set up these custom audiences of interested people you need to think about building these warm audiences some more.
I suggest you send out cold audience ads encouraging people to head over to your website - read a blog post, view your products etc. to build up the audience of people who have taken that first step to see who you are and what you sell.
Another great idea is to send out your lead magnet ads and start building your email list.
Or you could simply boost (not by using the boost button but by setting up an engagement ad) your best performing organic social media posts to reach a wider audience (engagement will build your audience of people who engage with your profile, and clicks through will build your audience of people who visit your website).
Videos can work really well for building a warm audience, plus if you share the video from your page into a Facebook group, you can also track people who are in the groups and you know are your ideal clients.
I hope you have found these background tasks helpful to plan your Black Friday Facebook ad campaign - they really will set you up for success. Of course, this is just the start, but one major element that I see people miss when planning their campaigns.
Remember it takes time to work out a profitable audience to target with Facebook ads, so in a short time sales period, you don't have that time to really work it out. Using your warm audiences helps to speed up your results.
If you need more support with planning your Black Friday or Christmas Facebook ads please do get in touch – I’d love to help.