Does your Facebook Ad Offer What Your Audience Wants?
Does your Facebook Ad Offer what your audience wants?
Ensuring that your Facebook ads offer is right for your audience is key to getting results through your advertising. Simply explained, there’s no point offering dog products to cat lovers and so with all other markets, it’s imperative that you are reaching the right people with the right offer.
Before advertising, there are a number of things that we need to consider and plan and, in this blog, I will show you the first steps to identifying if your Facebook ad offer is really what your audience wants.
Know your customer journey
Before I set about creating Facebook ads for my clients a lot of time is spent mapping out the customer journey. It’s key to identify that the Facebook ads offer and the strategy behind the ads will work well with audience that we are hoping to reach.
If I was to ignore this crucial part of the process the money spent on the ad could be wasted and the paying customer could end up with no quality leads. No-one wants that, especially me.
The sales funnel
You’ve probably heard this term used many times before, but if you’re unsure as to what a sales funnel is, and what its purpose is, allow me to explain.
Imagine first an actual funnel in your head (like the one you use to decant juice into a bottle) …
Here are the three main parts of a funnel that we can cover with Facebook Ads.
1. The first point of sale is the ‘top of the funnel’.
This is the ‘awareness stage’ where your potential customers first enter the funnel. This is the largest audience that you target (the most people who come into your funnel).
At this point your audience may be aware that they have a problem, but they have no clue as to what the solution is – they haven’t considered solving the problem yet. So, it’s no use having a Facebook ad offer that is too much for them – they want a simple quick win at this point.
Someone who's never heard of you and isn't even really aware that they need a solution to this problem are not going to want to read a 50-page eBook. They're going to be interested in a checklist or a short PDF that gives them something actionable that they can do in the next half an hour that's going to start to help them with this problem.
Your goal to start the sales funnel process is to make your target audience aware of the problem. To get your ad noticed, demonstrate empathy, and show your target audience a quick solution to their problem, usually in the form of a lead magnet, or freebie.
2. The second stage is the ‘middle of the funnel’ sometimes called the ‘consideration zone’.
Here we are segmenting that large audience we started with into people who are more interested.
At this stage your audience have realised that they've got a problem and are ‘solution aware’; they’re looking for potential solutions.
Your goal is to showcase the benefits of your solution, share your secrets and claims to success, and explain clearly why your solution is the best.
At this stage I would recommend using testimonials as the Facebook ad offer as people are keen to hear positive reviews and social proof from other people.
3. The third stage is at the ‘bottom of the funnel’, the all-important ‘conversion zone’.
These are your hot leads – the ones who are now aware of you/your brand, know they have a problem that they want to solve and they know that you have a potential solution. Now it's a matter of making them aware of your product and why your product is better than anybody else's.
Here, your Facebook ad offer could be ‘hooks’: offers, limited stock, only 24 hours left, free shipping, 10% off and the like. Use hooks that are going to influence a positive action i.e. a sale!
Targeting the right audience with the right Facebook ad offer
I like to work through all of these steps in the strategy together and slot them into the right places, to make sure your ads will work that little bit better. Not only will you be you're the right audience, but you’ll also be offering them something that they really want at the stage of their journey with you.
My aim is always to get the best results for my clients, so if you’re still unsure that you are making the most out of Facebook Ads please book in a free call with me. Or, feel free, to read through my other blogs which have been created to provide you with answers to the most common questions.
When working with me, not only will I take some of the stress away, I will:
Drill down into who your target audience is on Facebook and/or Instagram. Remember, this is slightly different to knowing who your ideal customer is.
Make sure that your offer is correct for the audience.
Ensure your sales funnel and lead magnets are spot on.
Check your landing page fits perfectly with the campaign.
Cross reference with Facebook’s lengthy policies to avoid rejection.
Good luck with your Facebook Ad campaigns!